Thursday 11 April 2013

Easter Fun

This year, we joined some friends to attend the annual running of the bulls egg hunt held in Asan Park. I heard they hide a lot of eggs, like 10,000? So we were expecting a decent turn out.

That was exactly what we found when we arrived. But we were happy to see that they had divided the hunt into sections by age, and the 1-3yr sections was littered with eggs just laying in the grass- so my shy little 2 year old might stand a chance of grabbing a couple after all. Hahahaha! What was I thinking?!?!?

We were a little early, so we decided to find a place in the shade to relax and wait. (We didnt feel like fighting 200+ people for a dixie cup of free Gatorade) Now, we were under the impression that the hunt was to start at 11. But we figured we must have had it wrong when we started to notice all the people gather and line up behind the tape at about 20 til. So, not wanting to be left out, we jumped up and joined the crowd. In the hot sun. Just standing.

If this were a movie, this is the part when the screen would go dark and the words "2 minutes later" would appear, next to show an image of us right back on our nice blanket in the shade. ;)

When the hunt did start...geez...what a shock. The cute scenario I had imagined in my head of Quin walking through the grass, basket in hand, enthusiastically picking up eggs and running to find the next was quickly shattered! Reality? We found oursleves in the midst of a mob. A crazy, fast running, yelling mob. My friend and I felt so overwhelmed- I may or may not have yelled at scolded a few 6-7yr olds claiming to pick up eggs for a younger sibling. I have no shame. But this wave of people was snatching up all those scattered eggs in seconds! If we had any hopes of retrieving an egg it was time for plan B, fast!! So, I quickly instructed Ryan to pick Quin up and run her to the front of the crowd. Can't beat um...

We did find 4 eggs (each one had to be stood over and guarded by one of us until Quin could get to it). They were hard boiled eggs. Real eggs. That had just lay in the grass in the CRAZY guam heat for who knows how long? Really?! Ugh...

But...I am relieved to say I came prepared for such events. I had slipped a few plastic eggs from home, filled with the treats I had promised, into our bag. Melt down avoided and still a fun time! :)

Sunday 31 March 2013's time to try to update this blog again! The fact is, we just haven't had anything super exciting going on. So, again it'll basically just be some new photos. (I will get to Easter later this week, or maybe next week is more realistic)

We've done a couple 5K's recently. We were in the process of preparing for a half/marathon that we plan to run next weekend...but our training has pretty much died in the last couple weeks. So I'll let you know how that goes. Should make for a good story if nothing else.

Norah is on the move. Which is fun, but she is far more independent and adventurous than Q ever was at this age. So baby gates and outlet plugs are a definite must.

Quin's talking more and more everyday! It's such an exciting age!!

And of course, we've been spending any free time we can find outside. This is, with out a doubt, the best time of the year here on Guam.

Like I said, nothing too exciting. I'll leave you with this...a sweet number from the talented
 Fischer Trio... ;)




Tuesday 19 February 2013


After a good visit with the fam, we were on to Los Angeles- the place we still consider home. We are so lucky to still have some really amazing friends in Manhattan Beach that were willing to let us crash with them for the 10 day visit! Brave souls!

We had SO much fun while we were there! Running on the strand, walking for bagels and coffee every morning, our favorite bakery for cookies...we tried to take full advantage of this visit!
We did some family stuff...


And we did the farmers market, of course- not once, but twice!

Celebrated Quins birthday, again...

is this not the face you would make if you too had birthday cookies for breakfast?

And had an awesome visit with some good friends who arranged a special pony ride for Quin!

What a fun trip!