Boonie Stomps

For those of you that are wondering, a boonie stomp is nothing more than a hike. But perhaps here on Guam it deserves a special name...for it is not everyplace that you take your chances with intense sun and heat, unexpected down pours, ankle slicing sawgrass, attack mosquito's, boonie dogs, wild pigs, jungle mud up to your knees, and last but not least- my personal favorite, spiders as big as your hand. And while I am sure it is first to come to mind for some of you, you'll notice I left out the infamous brown tree snakes. We were warned before we got here that they were so bad on the island they'd be coming out of our toilets! This is not the case (thankfully). In fact, I just don't feel that something I have yet to see a single one of should make the list. My mind is preoccupied and I am far more concerned with the bugs and plants- for now. The day I see a snake- I will edit this.

The island is full of awesome trails and places to explore. Here are some photos from the hikes we've been able to do so far. Yes- the responsible parents we are- we've done this all with an infant strapped in a carrier. Don't make fun of Quin- she had no say in this. You see, we had made an attempt at one of these hikes before, but within seconds we were covered in mosquito's! Needless to say- that hike lasted all of 2 minutes (the amount of time it took me to run back to the car). So, after some careful thought, the net idea worked great and I am happy to say she has been bite free :)