Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Quin's first Christmas!

Because we were spending this holiday season thousands of miles from family, our Christmas was relatively mellow. Unfortunately, due to some serious USPS issues (surprise! surprise!) majority of our Christmas orders and packages have yet to arrive. And because we didn't intend to completely fail our first Christmas as parents- we did the only logical thing we could think of. We went shopping. At 5pm. Christmas Eve. On Guam. (No joke.)

So, that morning, she woke to a few gifts under the tree. I am not sure Quin understood the concept, but she definitely seemed to have fun and is enjoying the new toys! ;) The special Christmas morning waffles though? Not so much!?

1 comment:

  1. I love your faces in the fourth picture! So glad we were able to spend Christmas together!
