Saturday, 11 February 2012

Quin's 1st Birthday Party

last weekend we had a party to celebrate Quin's birthday. (yes- it has taken me a week to get around to posting this!) We decided to hold it in our complex since our place is right next to the pool, basketball courts, and pavilion. It worked out great! It was nice to be so close to the house to grab anything we needed, but at the same time, we didn't have to deal with the mess and clean up of hosting the party in the actual house. We lucked out, it only rained once for a few minutes.

We invited pretty much everyone we know here on the island. And everyone showed up! It was great! Ryan and I were so grateful to have so many great new friends (and a few old ones from home) here to celebrate such a special day! Our friends were so helpful- from bringing side dishes and desserts, to running the grill, and even sticking around to the very end to clean up!

Quin had a fun night (that didn't end until 11:30pm!!) Once she got comfortable with the crowd, which didn't take too long thankfully, she was busy playing and enjoying her new toys (which, um... I had requested people not bring on the invite). One thing she didn't really enjoy though...the cake!? You know all those pictures people have of their baby digging in, messy face, covered in the sugar loaded treat for the first time? Well, ours look something more like this...

 She wouldn't even try it? Our accomplishment for the night...? Not crying during the singing of "happy birthday". I was worried that Quin might break down in the spot light. But she did just fine. ( It may or may not have had something to do with the fact that we had started singing the song a week or so before the big day in hopes that it would be familiar and she would be more excited, less panicked when the mob started yelling it at her?!) ;) Hey- don't laugh. It worked.

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