Wednesday, 5 October 2011

home for now

I know some of you have had a skype tour of the house, but this might be a little easier to follow. This way we also avoid the motion sickness associated with me carrying around a laptop at a funny angle (think Dad's old videos from dance competitions) :)

this is our room: nothing special

 (could have closed the closet at least?!)

And the kitchen/dining room:

 there is a laundry room off the kitchen as well (thought we could do with out pictures of dirty clothes)

And the entry/living room/play room:

Oh- and Quin's room:

There is a 3rd bedroom that is currently serving as a giant walk-in closet and 2.5 bathrooms.
This is by far the biggest place Ryan and I have ever lived, funny we had to move all the way to Guam to find it.

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