This was the question presented to Quin (yes Quin, not me) at 4:30am the morning of the race. I was just as confused as you are. Was this random stranger trying to ask my infant what time it was?? Or was she wondering how old she was? For a moment it was anybody's guess. Until the crowd and Japanese film crew following us started to laugh. I realized as they gestured at their watches- that she was mixing up time and age.
Who was asking? She was a young japanese girl (maybe 20-21?) dressed way too fancy, in my opinion, to be starting a race in a few minutes. In fact, I think she and her friend had on a tiara? Seriously.
We realized, as the cameras flashed and the video camera was rolling (sound booms and all) that they must be someone significant. They had runner escorts and a translator with them- on second thought, they should fire that translator, he clearly failed to do his part. So, Ryan took note of the production company and names on their shirts so we could look it up later. With a little googling, this is what we know. . .
They are apparently members of a girl group (which seems more like a small army if you ask me) from Japan. There are like 61 of them or something crazy?!
As if all the random photos weren't enough, now this?! I swear my child is a celebrity in Japan and we would never know it.
She ended her little interview with one final question, "What old are you?" And Quin politely answered, "8ヶ月", in perfect japanese. ;)
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! Why didn't you tell me about it? Holding out on me so I'll keep commenting on your blog? ;)